SMS Jag Media Center Zone
District Announcements
The Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology department promotes academic excellence by empowering student and staff to be effective, discriminating users of ideas and information. Additionally, Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology Instructors (METIs) assist instructional staff in using technology effectively for differentiating instruction and providing rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning experiences for all students. The Fulton County Schools Media and Educational Technology department facilitates the development of balanced and relevant collections of digital and print resources for teacher and student use. Digital resources are provided for all students that are accessible anytime, anywhere, on any web-enabled computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Jag Media Center Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:40 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 470-254-8658
Ms. Shylonda Pass-Cameron (Shay)
I have been an educator for over 20 years. I am a former Elementary School Teacher and taught in APS for 20 years. I have been at Sandtown for 4.5 years and I am excited to work with our scholars and lead them in the quest to become life long readers and responsible users of the World Wide Web.
What's New in the Media Center:
Click below:
Click on Sandtown on the left side of the page
under Middle Schools.....
Click on the Catalog tab
From the Catalog tab type in what you are looking for
in the Find box.
To get the most "hits" Click on the Keyword button.
Click on another button to narrow your search.
(For example; if you know the title, type the
title in the Find box and click on the title
or if you want to find all the books written
by a particular author type the author's name
in the Find box and click on author).